I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was - discover what you really want, and how to get it
Barbara Sher
Hodder Headline Australia (1999)
In Collection
Career Changes - Psychological Aspects, Goal (Psychology), Self-actualization (Psychology)
Paperback 9780733611148
This is a perfect book for new college graduates or anyone sick and tired of languishing in a dead-end job or relationship - yet reluctant to make drastic life changes due to uncertainty about what would actually inspire them. Barbara helps peel away the layers to reveal hopes and aspirations and overcome the barriers to success and happiness. Whether you're looking to make improvements in your job or personal life, Sher will teach you how to determine what your goals are and how to successfully reach them.
Product Details
Dewey 158.1
No. of Pages 322
Height x Width 210  mm
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