When Anger Scares You: How To Overcome Your Fear Of Conflict And Express Your Anger In Healthy Ways
Prof. John Lynch
New Harbinger Publications (2004)
In Collection
Anger, Interpersonal Relations, Self-esteem, Self-Help / Anger Management
Paperback 9781572243477
If anger is a message, what does it tell you? Does it cue you that some situation in your life needs your attention, or does it make you worry that you might be rude to someone or lose your temper? Many people avoid expressing their anger, but suppressing your angry impulses can lead to problems like panic, depression, and chronic pain. This book will take you through a step-by-step process that will teach you how to become skilled at being angry. The book's simple, engaging exercises will teach you how to react well to anger-provoking situations and people. By working with and not against your anger, you'll discover ways to use your feelings to change your life for the better. Book jacket.
Product Details
LoC Classification BF575.A5 .L96 2004
LoC Control Number 2004301244
Dewey 152.47
Cover Price $16.95
No. of Pages 200
Height x Width 224 x 152  mm
Personal Details
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