
at the Lower Hutt Women’s Centre

We run workshops based around group work, discussion and activities. Enrolment is necessary for some workshops enrolment is confirmed on payment of the fee. Welbeing workshops on Friday mornings do not require enrolment but do require you to turn up on time. We welcome all women that want to learn about themselves, process issues, grow and develop to enhance you and your families experience of life. Women that are new to group work are welcome to attend.  If you’re looking for our Tuesday evening workshops these are now running as an 8 week course. Check it out under courses here.



Friday 9:45 am – 12:00 pm

Wellbeing Workshops Friday Mornings

Facilitator: Naomi Millane | she/her (Friday) 
Course Duration: Every Friday morning 9:45am – 12pm
Cost:  $2 (Friday)

We used to run Tuesday evening workshops this has now changed to an 8 week course. Check out details for Tuesday evening courses here.

Our self-esteem develops and evolves throughout our lives as we build an image of ourselves through our experiences with different people and activities.

Experiences during our childhood play a particularly large role in the shaping of our basic self-esteem. When we were growing up, our successes (and failures) and how we were treated by the members of our immediate family, by our teachers, sports coaches, religious authorities, and by our peers, all contributed to the creation of our basic self-esteem. The course is designed to give women the opportunity to develop awareness of how they live in the world, the influences on them and how they have the ability and power to make changes in their lives.

Women will be given the opportunity to:

  • Develop skills to recognise the strengths in themselves
  • Look at the areas of self responsibility and self reflection
  • Be encouraged to develop awareness around how beliefs about self develop and grow
  • Build their emotional connection with themselves and develop a greater awareness of their own feelings and emotions
  • Feel a sense of personal power and belonging
  • Celebrate positive aspects of being a woman

Creche is available for Friday morning workshops please come in by 9:40am to settle your child in before the course starts at 10am.

If you arrive for the workshop after it has started at 10am you can’t join the group.

Thank you for this consideration.




Dates and Topics 2025


Fridays AM
24 Jan Self Respect
31 Jan Boundaries
7 Feb Authenticity
14 Feb Mindfulness and Meditation
21 Feb Responding vs. Reacting
28 Feb Facing perfectionism
7 Mar Developing Courage
14 Mar Willpower
21 Mar Anger as a Strength
28 Mar Te Whare Tapa Whā
4 Apr Self-care and Compassion
11 Apr Acknowledging Self
2 May Self Awareness
9 May Exploring Strengths
16 May Self-talk and Thoughts
23 May Self Responsibility
30 May Emotional Intelligence
6 Jun Expressing Ourselves
13 Jun Beliefs about Self
27 Jun Celebrating Yourself
4 Jul Letting Go of the Past






Date: 2nd November (session 1) and 16th November (session 2)

Saturdays 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Shared lunch

Self Defence for Women including Gender Diverse People (who feel comfortable in women-centric spaces)

Facilitator: Naomi Millane (she/her)
Date: 2nd November (session 1) and 16th November (session 2)
Cost: $40 waged/$20 unwaged (this covers both workshops)
Minimum: 6 participants

These are strength and empowerment based workshops for adults (15+) to learn together how to defend themselves with physical and mental skills and have fun!

They include a mix of action, discussion and practice. They are suitable for all abilities.

You must be available for both workshops as the workshops build on each other. Please bring kai to share for lunch.

Facilitator: Naomi is a qualified counsellor and addictions practitioner, experienced self defence teacher and a Mum. She has been involved with the Centre for 7 years and has a passion for working with women and girls. In her spare time she loves to play music and paint.