
at the Lower Hutt Women’s Centre

We run a variety of courses which run 2 hours per week and are 6-8 weeks in duration.  You need to enroll for these groups and enrolment is confirmed on payment of the fee. We welcome all women that want to learn about themselves, process issues, grow and develop to enhance you and your families experience of life.  Women that are new to group work are welcome to attend.

Please select the enrol and pay now button to register, or contact the Centre to register your interest and receive bank details for payment.
Phone: 920 1009

Enrolments are only confirmed on payment.


18th September – 23rd October

Wednesdays 12.30pm-2.30pm

BEing Well (with anxiety & depression) [Course FULL: please call to join waitlist]

Facilitator: Kay Riddler
Course Duration: Six weeks, 18th September – 23rd October

Cost: Waged $40/low or unwaged $20
Time: Wednesdays 12.30pm-2.30pm

This six week course is about finding new skills to move through Depression and Anxiety. With connection, support and gentle encouragement you can find a way out of Depression and Anxiety. This group is a structured educational group.

Is the group for me?
If you have felt hopeless, panicky, tired, fearful or stuck this group may support you to see new possibilities.
This group may also be for you if you have experienced depression and anxiety in your life and you want to break the cycle.

The topics we may cover are;

  • Positivity
  • sleep
  • respecting your body
  • being friendly with feelings
  • making a plan for healing
  • relaxation
  • assertiveness and relationships.

Please note:  Four minimum for course to commence and 10 maximum.

About Kay:

Kay Riddler is a registered social worker, mother and nanny. She is passionate about working with women and has been involved with Women’s Centre and with groups for more than 15 years, as both a participant and facilitator.
Kay’s approach is gentle and inclusive, its important to her that learning is relatable to our real life worlds.

14th October – 18th November 2024

7pm – 9pm

Resilience – The identification and use of resilience in everyday life

Facilitator: Stephanie Brockman

Course Duration: 6 Weeks 14th October – 18th November 2024

Time: Mondays 7pm – 9pm

Cost: Waged $40/low or unwaged $20

Resilience is the ability to have difficult feelings, experiences, mistakes, disappointments or loss and to be able to move through them in constructive ways that allows us to maintain our authenticity and grow from the experience.

Resilience is a crucial ingredient in what determines how high we rise above what threatens to wear us down, from battling an illness, to relationship breakup, to carrying on after a national crisis. Resilience can be defined as the capacity to cope and bounce back, in this course participants will identify strategies and techniques to recognise unhelpful ways of being and replace them with a mindset that enhances resilience.

We are all resilient in many ways, and this course will assist in participants connecting with their capacity for resilience.

A person connected to their capacity for resilient person will return to equilibrium after a disturbance.

It does not matter how strong your gravity is, we were always meant to fly.”

― Sarah Kay

“Through suffering, comes wisdom. Through surrender, comes strength. Through resilience, comes hope. Keep going.”

― Rita Said

2025 TBC


Anger as a Strength

Facilitator:  Kay Riddler
Course Duration:  2025 TBC
Cost: Waged $40/Unwaged $20
Time: TBC

Anger is a misunderstood emotion and energy. This training is skill based on providing opportunities and techniques to express anger using tools of assertiveness. Anger is necessary for survival, but through the ways many women have learned to express anger or not express anger issues have been created.

Through these unhelpful learned methods of handling anger personal and relationship issues have been created. When problems arise around how to deal with conflict, or times when you want to speak up about a problem – people haven’t learned constructive or helpful ways of dealing with these issues.

This course will be an opportunity to explore the use and misuse of anger, and explore ways to express anger in constructive ways.

Facilitator Bio:
Kay Riddler is a registered social worker, mother and nanny. She is passionate about working with women and has been involved with Women’s Centre and with groups for more than15 years, as both a participant and facilitator.
Kay’s approach is gentle and inclusive, its important to her that learning is relatable to our real life worlds.

2025 TBC

2025 TBC

Assertiveness for Women

Facilitator: Stephanie Brockman
Course Duration: 2025 TBC
Cost: Waged $40/low or unwaged $20
Time: 2025 TBC

Assertiveness is the ability to express yourself and your rights without violating the rights of others.
It is appropriately direct, open, and honest communication that is self-enhancing and expressive.

Acting assertively will give you the opportunity to feel self-confident and will generally gain you the respect of yourself and your peers and friends.

Assertiveness can increase your chances for honest relationships, and help you to feel better about yourself and yourself in everyday situations.

2025 TBC

2025 TBC

Wellbeing for Teens

Facilitator: Naomi Millane (she/her)
Course Duration: An eight 
week wellbeing course for girls (including gender-diverse young people who feel comfortable in a women-centric space) aged 13 to 17 years.

Cost: $20
Date: 2025 TBC
Time: Thursdays 4-6pm
Minimum 5 participants (course will be postponed if less)

Do you want:

  • To learn more about yourself?
  • To have fun?
  • To be more confident?
  • To grow in self respect?
  • To grow in self compassion?
  • To grow in self esteem?
  • To accept yourself as you are?
  • To develop an understanding and respect of yourself and others?

We’re all different… Who we are, what we like and don’t like, our cultures and our backgrounds. There is no one else quite like you.

Once you accept yourself there is no reason to hold anything back. This is your world, honour it as your own and enjoy it’s gifts.

Facilitator Bio:
Naomi is a qualified counsellor and addictions practitioner, experienced self defence teacher and a Mum. She has been involved with the Centre for 7 years and has a passion for working with women and girls. In her spare time she loves to play music and paint.

2025 TBC

2025 TBC


Circle of Security® Parenting™

For Mothers of Pre-School Children

Facilitators: Kay Riddler and Lynda Ure
Course Duration: 2025 TBC
Cost: Waged $40/low or unwaged $20
Time: 2025 TBC

Over the course of eight sessions the focus moves from discussing secure attachment and children’s needs to reflecting on self and developing new skills and resources for relating to your children.

Video clips of parents and children are used to introduce you to attachment theory in an accessible manner – while enhancing observational skills, and engaging in reflective dialogue regarding your strengths and struggles in parenting.

“We spoke about filling her child’s cup, finding multiple times every day to snuggle her, cuddle her, talk with her, hold your arms open, make eye contact, delight in her, hug her, protect her.  To consistently be available to her.  Because in filling your child’s cup, it just may be that her forever empty will also feel a little less lonely.”

At times we all feel lost about what our child might need from us.  Imagine what it might feel like if you were able to make sense of what your child was really asking from you.

This course emphasises the importance for parents in maintaining a balance between being “wise and kind”, able to follow the child’s needs whenever possible and being “bigger and stronger” than the child – able to take charge when necessary.

Facilitator Bio: Kay Riddler is a registered social worker, mother and nanny. She is passionate about working with women and has been involved with Women’s Centre and with groups for more than15 years, as both a participant and facilitator.
Kay’s approach is gentle and inclusive, it’s important to her that learning is relatable to our real-life worlds.

Circle of Security PDF


7pm to 9pm


Meditation for women

Facilitator: TBC
Date: TBC
Cost: Waged $40/low or unwaged $20
Time: 7pm to 9pm

Meditation is a simple technique for relaxing and refreshing the mind and body. It empowers us to establish a sense of grounded-ness and peace in the midst of change and the difficulties of life.

Research has shown that meditation can bring about relief for a number of ailments like stress, pain, anxiety and depression. It can also help us to develop mindfulness which supports us to live fuller, more vibrant lives.
The facilitator will tailor the course to the needs and aspirations of the women who attend, but a primary focus will be on discovering and strengthening a feeling of home within ourselves.

During the six weeks we will:

  • Learn some basic meditation techniques
  • Explore ways to manage our thoughts and feelings (instead of letting them manage us!)
  • Discuss ways of living more easefully and more mindfully
  • Explore some basic Buddhist principles that support meditation.


The course will include meditation practice, art work, gentle body movements, discussion and sharing. It is suitable for people who are new to meditation and those who are looking to revitalize their practice.

Please wear warm loose clothing.

Facilitator bio: TBC